Naruto Couples Wiki
The Couple

The Couple

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NejiTen (Japanese ネジテン) is the term used to refer to the romantic relationship between Neji Hyuga and Tenten.

Their Relationship

Part I

Chūnin Exams

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Team Guy's first introduction. Neji sits under Tenten's target while she practices throwing kunai. Neji demonstrates complete trust in her skill by sitting under the target nonchalantly.

Neji and Tenten were placed on the same team along with Lee. When the team first meets Guy sensei and discusses each of their goals. After, Neji abstains from answering, Tenten answers that she wants to become a strong kunoichi like her idol Lady Tsunade. Then, Lee states that he wants to prove he can be a great ninja despite not being able to use ninjutsu or genjutsu. Neji laughs at Lee and says that those who are destined to be strong are born strong, and those who are destined to be weak are born weak. While Neji ridiculed Lee's dream, he didn't ridicule Tenten's. Later, Tenten is shown telling Lee that he should quit trying to fight Neji, as Neji is a genius and he isn't. Neji is shown listening to Tenten's comment and then tells Lee to give up and "No matter how hard you try, you can't hope to beat me. That's just the way it is." However, the team continue to train together and when Guy tries to teach them the hidden lotus technique, Lee was the only one who could do it. Neji and Tenten were dumbfounded when they were unable to do the technique and saw Guy teach Lee that the hidden lotus was now a forbidden jutsu. The team decided to delay their entry into the chūnin exams, preferring to spend another year training and gaining more experience. During the beginning of the Chūnin Exams Arc, Tenten is shown practicing throwing kunai at a target, with Neji nonchalantly sitting below it. This demonstrates that Neji has utmost trust in Tenten's skill and aim with a kunai.

For the first part of the Chūnin Exams, Neji, Tenten and Lee agree to pretend to be weaker than they are to throw their opponents off their guards. Neji and Tenten both stick to that plan, until Lee accidentally reveals the ruse, causing both Tenten and Neji to scold him for his carelessness. When Neji comes across Sasuke, Tenten teases him and asks if he will challenge him, to which Neji simply chuckles and walks away as Tenten smiles.

Naruto Chapter 50 Tenten blushes at Neji

Tenten blushes at Neji.

Neji smiles at Tenten manga

Neji smiles at Tenten and assures her that Lee is fine.

During the second part of the exam, in the Forest of Death, Neji specifically told his team to find some information on the scrolls, and then come back to their designated spot. Tenten is shown blushing at him when he provides the instructions. Tenten is only shown blushing in the manga twice, the first being when she stands behind Neji as he demands to know Sasuke's name, the second being when Neji tells her and Lee his plan inside the Forest of Death. Later, both Neji and Tenten return, but Lee does not appear. Tenten expresses worry about Lee possibly getting into trouble in the forest, but Neji smiles at her and reassures her that he's sure that he's okay, but that they should still go and look for him. They later intrude on Team 7's battle with the Sound Ninja and notice Lee lying on the ground. Neji yells at the sound team, saying that if they were the ones who hurt Lee, they will have to answer to Tenten and him. Neji then tells Tenten that they will fight and to not hold anything back. Tenten agrees and gets ready but then Neji notices with his Byakugan that Sasuke is emitting a strong chakra and waking up. After Sasuke greatly wounds a member of the sound team, said team retreats. Following this, Tenten jumps down and wakes up Lee. Finally, Neji, Tenten and Lee leave to continue their part in the exams.

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Neji comments that Tenten's fight could be interesting.

During the Preliminary Exams Tenten thinks to herself that while last year Neji was the #1 rookie, this year it's Sasuke. She asks herself that if they were to battle, who would be stronger. She then looks at Neji's direction and smiles at him, signifying that she believes Neji would win. Later, in the anime, when watching Sakura and Ino's match, Neji comments "That's it? That's as good as kunoichi can get at hand to hand combat?" Tenten looks at Neji with an angry expression and tells him "It's not because they're girls, you know, Neji. It's just that those two are using kid gloves. It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman in battle." They watch the rest of the fight and see how Ino and Sakura got serious and fought for real, showcasing their strength, skills, and resolve.

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Team Guy shocked when Tenten is defeated.

When Tenten and Temari are chosen to battle, Tenten thinks to herself that after watching Ino and Sakura's match, she's fired up. Neji comments "So this is another genin from the sand village, this should be interesting to watch." It should be noted that Neji didn't use the term kunoichi, but genin, possibly because he internalized Tenten's words about how being a man or woman doesn't matter in battle. Furthermore, Neji's comment about how the match should be interesting to watch implies that he knows Tenten is a strong opponent. Neji, as well as Lee and Guy, are shocked when Tenten's attacks are simply waved off by Temari.

When Tenten's match is over, Neji says that she fought well, and he didn't make any comment relating to his fatalistic mindset when it came to Tenten's defeat. However, he did make such a comment for Lee's defeat, saying "Lee, even at the bitter end you didn't realize. The heavens would never allow you to advance any further if your triumph were a pyrrhic victory."

Neji y Tenten entrenando

Neji trains with Tenten before his chunin match against Naruto.

In the First Databook Rin No Sho, Kishimoto confirmed that Neji and Tenten trained every day for a month in preparation for Neji's chunin match against Naruto. It was during this training that Neji reverse engineered and perfected the moves only reserved for the main branch of the Hyūga clan, mainly the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms and the Eight Trigrams Palms: Revolving Heaven. It should be noted that while all the other contestants trained with jōnin, Neji chose to train with Tenten. During one of their training sessions, birds are shown flying in the sky and Tenten tells him that she is exhausted and can't keep going. Neji responds that he thinks he used too much of his chakra and faints. Tenten is seen running to him and asks him if he's alright.

Before the final part of the Chūnin Exams, Tenten and Neji are both seen training together while birds are shown chirping and flying in the sky. Tenten tells Neji that he his defense is perfect, and Neji responds that they should get going to the arena. Tenten wore a different outfit to watch Neji's match. In the manga she also wore lipstick.


Tenten wore lipstick to watch Neji's match in the manga.

During the fight against Neji and Naruto, she is shown to have full faith that Neji will win and highly praises him. She says there is no way Naruto could win aganist Neji. She narrates the fight and demonstrates complete knowledge about Neji's Byakugan and techniques. During their time training before the final part of the Chūnin Exams, the moves Neji practiced were reserved only for the main family of his clan, mainly the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms and Eight Trigrams Palms: Revolving Heaven. Neji, being a branch member of the Hyūga wasn't allowed to learn about these moves. However, he was able to reverse engineer them with Tenten's help. He kept the fact that he could do these moves a secret until he could perform them in the arena in front of his uncle Hiashi, the head of the main branch of the Hyūga clan, and the rest of the spectators. Neji's original motivation to become a strong shinobi was to spite the main family of his clan and prove a branch member like him could surpass them. Neji choosing to train with Tenten and revealing to her the secrets behind his Byakugan and techniques demonstrates that he had great trust in her. During the battle, Neji explains his fatalistic mindset to Naruto and exposes his curse mark to Naruto. He explains that his father, Hizashi, was born moments after his uncle, Hizashi. Even though they were identical twin brothers, Hizashi was born second so he was deemed a branch member of the Hyūga clan and branded with the same curse mark he bears, the Caged Bird Curse Seal. He explains Hiashi is the head of the main family of the Hyūga clan, and that the purpose of the branch family is to protect and die for the main family. He relates that this fate is inescapable, and Naruto should stop trying to fight his fate of being a "failure" and accept that he will never beat him. He relates how his father was killed to protect Hiashi because of a conflict that happened on the day of Hinata's third birthday. As Neji makes his speech to Naruto, Hiashi, the Third Hokage and Tenten's reactions are shown side by side in three panels. Hiashi and the Third Hokage already had knowledge about the Hyūga clan's practices and the circumstances surrounding the death of Neji's father. Tenten being included among them confirms that she also knew about Neji's curse mark, his perspective about his father's death and his history with the Hyūga clan. Naruto points out the inconsistencies in Neji's fatalistic mindset, questioning why he fights so hard if he truly believes his fate is to simply die to protect the main family of the Hyūga clan. He looks at Neji in the eye and says that even if he is deemed a failure, he will become Hokage and change the way of the Hyūga clan.

After Neji came up from the crater that he and Naruto created, Tenten is the only one who sighs in relief. She is shocked and saddened when Neji is shown unable to move on the ground after Naruto's final hit. After Neji's loss to Naruto, he internalized Naruto's words about how he shouldn't resign himself to a fate someone else forced upon him, and how despite being a "failure" Naruto defeated him, a "genius." Later, Neji sits in the infirmary and listens to his uncle tell him the truth about his father's death. Hiashi hands Neji reads a letter Hizashi wrote to him before he died. Hizashi explains to Neji that he didn't chose to die to protect the clan, but to protect his brother, and that making this choice was his way of rebelling against his fate and choosing freedom. Neji then sees Hiashi bow down his head to him asking for forgiveness, as he blames himself for the death of Hizashi. Neji accepts his uncle's words and looks peacefully up at the sky from the window. He thinks to himself and speaks to his father in spirit about how he isn't entirely certain whether people's fates simply coast along like clouds in the sky or if each person can choose his own path to follow. But he realizes that those with dreams are the ones who are truly strong, and that now his dream is to become stronger so he will never lose to anyone again. Finally, he notices how there's so many birds in the sky flying free.

Konoha Crush

Neji and Tenten are shown together at the third Hokage's funeral.

Search for Tsunade


Tenten invites Neji to welcome Lady Tsunade.

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Neji remembers the moment he saw Lady Tsunade with Tenten as he lays dying after his fight with Kidomaru.

Neji is shown training his Byakugan by counting how many birds are flying, declaring that there were seven birds flying from a certain distance of one of the posts. He notices Tenten, who is out of breath from running. She tells him that Lady Tsunade is in the village and might become the next Hokage. Tenten asks him if he wants to go and see her together. In the manga and anime, Neji apologizes, saying he's not interested. Neji then notices that there were not seven, but eight birds flying. Later in the anime however, it was revealed that later Neji did eventually accompany Tenten to see Lady Tsunade.

Sasuke Retrieval

During Neji's fight in the manga, he recalls the moment where he was training counting birds and Tenten came to see him. In the anime, after defeating Kidomaru Neji's life flashes before his eyes as he starts to lose consciousness. During the montage of the moments of his life, Neji remembers the moment he accompanied Tenten to welcome Tsunade. In the memory, she is right at the center, next to Neji and his family. Shortly after, Neji looses consciousness and bird's feather lands on his open hand.

Part II

Kazekage Rescue Mission

Similar to their relationship in Part I, Tenten still shows a great admiration for Neji and the two continue to get along well. Neji is revealed to be a jōnin, while Tenten and Lee are chūnin. Neji, Tenten, Lee and Guy are assigned to aid Team Kakashi in their mission to save Gaara from the Akatsuki. Before Team Guy takes off, Neji and Tenten both comment on how ridiculous Guy and Lee are acting.


Neji is immediately at Tenten's side.

Neji and Tenten screenshot (Naruto shippuden episode 14)

Tenten holds on to Neji.

During their fight with Kisame, the three members was captured by Kisame's Water Prison. In the manga, Tenten is seen somewhat struggling for air, but doesn't lose consciousness, and after she is released from the water prison Neji is shown holding her. In the anime, Tenten's condition is presented as more life threatening. During multiple points of Guy and Kisame's fight, Tenten is shown struggling for air, with Guy stating in one occasion "Tenten is fading." When Tenten releases a final gasp under water starts to loose consciousness, Neji is shown worried and states "This isn't good, she's reached her limit." He then tries to find a weak spot in his water prison, and once freed he defeats two of the three Kisame clones. Once Tenten is released he immediately rushes over to Tenten and asks her if she's okay with a desperate tone in his voice and as his eyes widen. Tenten takes a moment to breathe, looks up and thanks him while she's still in his arms. They are both seen afterwards watching Guy fight Kisame while Neji's arm is still supporting Tenten. In the manga, Neji's decision to hold Tenten seemed not to be because the urgency of Tenten almost drowning, but more because he wanted to hold her and help her.


Tenten thanks Neji.

Neji stays next to Tenten for the rest of the fight. She starts to ask him about Guy "Do you think that he...", and he seems to already know what she will say and answers "I do." Later, Neji notices something with his Byakugan and Tenten asks him he sees.

Neji and Tenten finish each other's sentence

Neji knows what Tenten is thinking with just one word. They can communicate with little dialogue and constantly finish each other's sentences.

Later, Team Guy meets up with Team Kakashi, consisting of Naruto, Sakura, Lady Chiyo and Kakashi, to discuss how they will break the Five Seal Barrier protecting the Akatsuki's cave. Neji uses his Byakugan and identifies the other four seals. In the anime, before Team Guy splits up to break each of the four seals, Guy gestures for the team to put their hands together to do a team huddle. Lee quickly accepts, Tenten hesitates but decides to put her hand in the middle. However, Guy has a stare down with Neji to convince him since he looks mortified about the idea. Eventually, after some birds are shown leaving trees at a distance, Neji sighs and puts his hand in the middle, on top of Tenten's hand.

After each of the members of Team Guy simultaneously remove their respective seal, a clone of each member appears before them and begins attacking them. They each encounter great trouble trying to defeat them. They each hear how the site of the Akatsuki cave is collapsing, Neji uses his Byakugan and confirms that the cave is collapsing and that Sakura and Lady Chiyo are evenly matched with Akatsuki member Sasori. Tenten and Lee are happy to hear that Sakura is holding her own. Later, Guy asks Neji to check what is the status of the team by the cave, and Neji confirms that the fight was settled and Sakura and Lady Chiyo are alright. The team is happy to hear the good news, however Neji realizes that despite Sasori being defeated, their clones are still attacking them. Neji starts to say that he is worried, and Tenten completes his sentence saying that even if the other member of the Akatsuki is defeated, the trap might not be released. Lee states that they'll just have to defeat the clones on their own. The team continues to struggle and each member starts to become more and more tired, making it seem like the clone is getting stronger. However, Lee realizes that the clones were made with the strength level each member currently had at the moment of removing the seal, and that if they want to defeat the clone, they must apply the same motto they shared every day training as genin "stronger than we were yesterday." Neji says that while becoming a jōnin meant a lot to him, but he's never believed it was his final goal, while Tenten says "It's not like I'm ready to give up either, not by a long shot." Each member then feels their resolve to defeat their clones and win each of their battles. Afterwards, they head to Team Kakashi to provide them backup against their match with the second Akatsuki member.

They arrive at the forest and thanks to Neji's Byakugan, they find the second Akatsuki member, Deidara, sneaking out of a shrub attempting to escape. Guy says that Team Guy is the #1 team in the Leaf Village, and the team begin to attack Deidara. Tenten targets Deidara with kunai and shuriken, and Deidara chuckles and thinks to himself that her attacks aren't bad at all. Neji hits him with his air palm and Tenten nearly hits him with more shuriken. However, Deidara finds his clay figure and prepares to blow himself up. Neji realizes that they are too close to the blast and won't survive. However, Kakashi is able to save everyone by transporting the blast to another dimension with his Mangekyō Sharing ability, Kamui. Later, everyone moves from the forest and Sakura evaluates Gaara's body. However, she is saddened to confirm that there's nothing she can do and Gaara is dead. Neji and Tenten are shown beside each other with the same saddened expression on their faces. They listen to Naruto break down about how devastating it is to be a jinchūriki, and how Gaara didn't deserve to die. Then they watch Lady Chiyo perform a jutsu on Gaara's body, and Neji realizes that it's a reanimation jutsu that claims the castor's life, transmitting the life force to the receiver. Lady Chiyo realizes that she doesn't have enough chakra, and Naruto selflessly offers his own to help. Finally, Gaara comes back to life, and Naruto states that it's all thanks to Lady Chiyo, who he thinks just tired herself and is resting. However, Kankuro confirms that Lady Chiyo used a forbidden reanimation jutsu that claims the user's life. Naruto is stunned, while Neji and Tenten are shown beside each other reacting to the news. Neji is saddened as his suspicions about the jutsu were confirmed, and Tenten appears shocked and says "It can't be." Kakashi states that Lady Chiyo entrusted the future to Naruto and Gaara, and that her death was befitting of a shinobi. Gaara then struggles to stand up, with helping him Naruto, then Gaara asks of everyone to pray for Lady Chiyo and bid her farewell. Neji and Tenten are shown beside each other bowing their heads with their eyes closed.

Everyone returns to the Sand Village, and have a moment of silence honoring Lady Chiyo. Later, Teams Guy and Kakashi, as well as Gaara, Kankuro, Temari, and Lady Chiyo's brother stand by Lady Chiyo's grave to bid her farewell. Before Team Guy and Kakashi head for the Leaf Village, Gaara offers Naruto his hand. Naruto appears shocked, and everyone around him, including Neji and Tenten who are once again beside each other, smile at him and encourage him to shake Gaara's hand. A light wind of sand surrounds Naruto's hand and lifts it up to Gaara's, and they finally shake hands as farewell. The Leaf shinobi smile then head on their way home. Kakashi is still weakened from using his Kamui so Guy carries him on his shoulder. However, they are all heading at a slow pace. Tenten, who is walking beside Neji, asks the sensei if they can go any faster, then Guy throws Kakashi up in the sky, shifts his back pack to his chest, and catches Kakashi on his back. The group is dumbfounded by the two grown men partaking in a piggy back ride, however Lee believes that it is training so he shifts his own bag forward and gestures for Neji to climb on his back. Neji and Tenten appear horrified at the offer and Neji firmly refuses. Guy continues to carry Kakashi on his back and dashes towards the Leaf village. Later, the teams arrive at the gates of the village, with Guy celebrating that he came in first. Lee initially believes that he came in second, however Guy clarifies that Kakashi technically came in second as he was carrying him. Lee then commends Guy as he cries and jots down on his notebook the new lesson. All the while, Neji, Tenten, Sakura, and Naruto observe the bizarre interaction with tired looks on their faces. Neji comments that he will never get used to Guy and Lee's intensity, however Tenten teases him and says that he was still running pretty fast after them. Neji crosses his arms and comments "ridiculous" after hearing this, while Tenten smiles at him. Everyone then heads to the hospital so Kakashi can rest. Once at the hospital, Neji and Tenten stand right beside one another, in the anime they are so close that it appears as if they are holding hands. Lady Tsunade commends everyone for successfully completing the mission and states that Team Guy should now rest.

Akatsuki Suppression: Immortal Devastators — Hidan and Kakuzu

In the anime, Neji and Tenten are both shown at Asuma's funeral.

Neji and Tenten Pain arc

Neji looks at Tenten and tells her he's worried about the village too.

Pain's Assault

While Team Guy was returning home after a mission, Tenten suggested that they take a break at a tea shop. However, Guy comments about how it's concerning so many birds are fleeing from the direction of the Leaf Village. Neji looks and Tenten expresses the same worry and says that they should continue heading to the village, much to Tenten's disappointment. Later, the team come across an injured Gamabunta who informs them of the situation at the village. The team hurried, and once they arrived at the Leaf they found Hinata badly injured. Tenten examined Hinata and says that while she's badly injured, it's not a mortal injury. Neji yelled for a medical ninja to treat Hinata, and Tenten told him that she's going to find one to help Hinata. Later, Sakura treats Hinata and Neji questions why Hinata would to try fight Pain alone. Tenten stays close to Hinata and Sakura, while Neji tells Guy that they need to go over to Naruto to help him fight Pain. However, Katsuyu affirms that Naruto doesn't desire any reinforcements. Neji responds that he doesn't care, asserts that Naruto has done enough on his own and asks again to be lead to Naruto's location. After Naruto defeats Pain, Neji and Tenten are shown side by side smiling at Naruto, and welcome him back to the village.

Five Kage Summit

Tenten is shown comforting Ino after she learns about Sasuke joining the Akatsuki, and how Danzo has ordered that he must be killed. Kiba yells at Ino to stop crying, and Tenten reprimands him, reminding him to have empathy for Ino's feelings about Sasuke. Neji voices that they should let Shikamaru handle the responsibility of telling Naruto and Sakura about Danzo's order. Later, Neji and Tenten promise to Sakura, along with the rest of the Leaf shinobi, to allow her the responsibility of talking to Naruto about the situation. When Naruto returns to the village and informs the group of his decision to fight Sasuke by himself, Tenten angrily states "Did you honestly think we would all go along with that?" Neji asks Naruto why he didn't take the opportunity to kill Sasuke once he was weakened after fighting Danzo. Tenten and Neji stand right beside each other listening to Naruto with the same look of anger on their faces.

Fourth Shinobi Wold War

Neji and Tenten receive their new Allied Shinobi uniforms and forehead protectors. The scene between Neji and Tenten where he makes an important promise to Tenten is presumed to have happened at some point before or during this arc, as Tenten remembers Neji making the "nice guy pose" while he is wearing his new uniform. They are assigned to different battalions in the war. Tenten is assigned to the First Company, specializing in mid rage attacks, along with Neji's uncle, Hiashi. Neji is assigned to the Second Company, specializing in close range attacks, along with Hinata.

Birth of the Ten-Tails' Jinchūriki

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"Neji! Why did you leave me!?"

When Neji dies, Tenten is shown stunned in the far background of Guy and Lee's panel. They are currently in a battle formation that is yards away from Neji's post. Tenten and her team get closer to Neji, however he has already passed away by this point. She is seen with sorrowful eyes and holds a hand to her heart. She reaches out that hand to Neji and Lee's direction and dejectedly gestures for Lee to listen to Guy. Kakashi and Guy affirm that Neji sacrificed his life to give Naruto a chance to stop Madara and the Ten Tails, and that if they don't compose themselves Neji's death will have been for nothing. She internalizes Guy and Kakashi's words and tries to remain stoic, understanding that they are in a middle of a war.

Tenten cries for Neji

"Neji, I'm never going to forgive you."

Hours after Neji's death, Tenten is shown accompanying Guy and Lee as they head away from one side of the battlefield. Guy notices that Sakura, Gaara and Naruto are quickly heading to the side of the battlefield they just came from. He suspects that if a medical ninja like Sakura is heading towards that direction with Naruto, something important must be going down on that side of the battlefield. He states that that is the place where Kakashi is, and loudly exclaims that they should head back to the that side, with Lee loudly voicing his support. Tenten expresses exhaustion to their "hot-bloodedness" and thinks to herself that no good will come from being with them. In the manga, she expresses anger, thinks about Neji and asks why he left her. In her memory, Neji doing the "nice guy pose," which has been performed in the past by Guy, Naruto and Lee. The pose signifies that one will keep their promise until death, as Lee states to Sakura during the beginning of the Sasuke retrieval arc after Naruto does the pose and promises to her that he will get Sasuke back. Neji doing this pose before Tenten implies that he promised her something that he intended to fulfill until his death. In the anime, Tenten holds her hands in a prayer and asks why he left her as she remembers Neji doing this "nice guy pose" to her, then she walks away crying and says that she's never going to forgive him. The implied promise that Neji made to her is not known, but it was significant enough for Neji, who tends to be stoic and serious, to use the cheerful and significant pose his "hot-blooded" sensei and teammate have used in the past.

Tsukiyomi Team Gai

Tenten's dream.

When caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Tenten dreams of more mature versions of Lee and Guy as well as Neji being alive and by her side. She's the only person whose Tsukuyomi dream involves not only Neji being alive, but being with him.

Tenten's tsukoyomi dream shown in the manga was later adapted and expanded upon in Naruto Shippuden Episodes 427 and 428, for more information please refer to the "Unofficial" page in section 1.1.19.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki Strikes

After Naruto was able to defeat and reform Sasuke, Tenten along with the rest of the Shinobi Alliance were released from the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Tenten then went to where Darui was, and unsealed two of the treasured tools of the sage of six paths she discovered earlier. Darui was able to release two Cloud shinobi captured inside one of the tools. He then teaches her her how to wield the tools for future use. Later, she is shown looking somber and defeated at Neji's funeral.

Tenten winks at Neji Manga

Tenten winks at Neji and invites him to the bathhouse with her in the manga.

Neji and Tenten - Profile Image

Tenten winks at Neji and invites him to go to the bathhouse with her in the anime.

Prologue of Road to Ninja

Prologue of Road to Ninja is a manga-omake written by Kishimoto to promote Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie. This omake was originally published in Weekly Shōnen Jump 2012 #34 and it was later included in Jin No Sho, the fourth and most recent Databook. It was later adapted to the anime in Naruto Shippuden Episode 311.

After Team Guy returns from their mission, Tenten invites Neji to go to the bathhouse with her, winking at him. Neji agrees and asks Lee if he is also coming, to which Lee declines. Later, when Lee crashes into the bathhouse and the guys come in, Neji asks what's wrong and Tenten responds by saying Lee was peeping on them, which he is angered by.

Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding

The second chapter of the novel is narrated from Tenten's perspective. The novel takes place years after Neji's death. In the chapter, she thinks about what to get Naruto and Hinata for a wedding present. She thinks about how marriage is certainly a nice thing, but states that she was too focused on training with ninja tools during her youth and never had a boyfriend. She states that she has decided to now live her life "without sex appeal." The full quote in literal translation from Japanese to English is "I am living my life without sex appeal." In first person and in present tense.

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Tenten thinks about Neji as his ghost is shown facing her.

While this chapter does not have a direct correlation to Neji's relationship with Tenten, it does clarify that years after Neji's death, Tenten has decided live her life without looking for romance. Tenten's decision is similar to that of Lady Tsunade, a person she has idolized since before she was a genin, as she stated in Chapter 84 of the manga. During the Third Great Ninja War, Tsunade lost her lover, Dan, and has never pursued another person romantically since. Tenten shares a parallel with Tsunade, an important man in her life died during a Great Ninja War, and after the war was over, she decided to disregard the pursuit of romance.

Ghost Neji Team Gai dumbbells

Tenten is shocked to see her team choose dumbbells as a wedding present for Naruto and Hinata.

This chapter from this novel was later adapted to the anime in Naruto Shippūden Episode 495. In the anime, Tenten is shown sitting on a wooden post and throwing kunai at a target, while worried about what wedding gift she should get Naruto and Hinata. She swoons at the idea of marriage but then remembers that while Hinata is marrying the love of her life, she doesn't have a boyfriend and trains from morning to night. Later, as Neji's ghost is shown standing on another post facing her, Tenten says:

“Sending the usual gift won’t convey our feelings… And yet, something that’s more like me may not make them happy. What would Neji do?”

Later, after Guy suggests some crazy ideas, she asks Guy how he could misunderstand Neji so much. She seems dumbfounded that Guy and Lee decided to get Hinata and Naruto dumbbells as a wedding present. Then, Neji's ghost is shown shirtless posing with dumbbells before Tenten, alongside Lee and Guy. Finally, she decides that her gift will be a custom made kunai and skips off cheerfully.

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Tenten speaks about Guy's bravery and reminisces about her time shared with Neji, Lee and Guy.

Konoha Shinden: Steam Ninja Scrolls

Mirai asks Tenten about Guy and Tenten tells her about how he was always brave and never let his fear show. She remembers herself as a young genin, besides Neji and Lee. Later, Mirai asks Tenten if she believes in ghosts, to which Tenten replies that it's funner to believe that they exist. This novel was later adapted in the Boruto anime Episode 108 and in the Boruto manga.

Naruto Retsuden: Naruto Uzumaki and the the Spiral Destiny

In the second chapter of the novel, Hinata and Naruto read Neji's training diary. In one of the excerpts, Neji narrated that his current goal was to see through Tenten's weapons. He also shared that Lee and her were annoyed with the rain that day and when he looked away, the springtime of youth theatrics began. Tenten summoned her iron fan and it cut Neji's cheek because he was unable to avoid its path.


  • In the manga, the only times Tenten is shown blushing is when she's beside Neji. She blushed at him directly during the second stage of the chunin exams.
  • In the manga, the only time Tenten dressed in a different outfit to her usual attire and wore makeup was to cheer for Neji during his match in the final part of the Chūnin Exams.
  • Even before Neji changed his fatalistic mindset as a result of Naruto's words, Neji was shown to get along with Tenten.
    • He believed in her abilities enough to sit under the practice dummy she was hitting with kunai,
    • He didn't mind her teasing him about challenging Sasuke before the first part of the chunin exams,
    • He trusted her to be capable of heading into the forest on her own and defending herself if she encountered any teams during the second part of the Chūnin Exams,
    • He was shocked when he saw Temari counter all of Tenten's attacks during the preliminary matches of the Chūnin Exams,
    • Even though Tenten lost to Temari, he still chose to train with her during the month of preparation for the final part of the Chūnin Exams. Every other genin from the Leaf village chose to train with a jōnin during this period, but Neji chose to train with Tenten. During this time frame Neji reverse engineered and mastered the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms and the Eight Trigrams Palms: Revolving Heaven techniques, moves reserved only for the main branch of the Hyūga clan. By her narration of Neji's match against Naruto, it's clear that Tenten knew everything about Neji's moves and Byakugan since she was there to help him perfect them.
    • It's evident that Tenten already knew about Neji's curse mark and history with the Hyūga clan since before Neji's match with Naruto during the final part of the Chūnin Exams.
    • During Neji's match against Naruto in the final part of the Chūnin Exams, Tenten was the only one in the audience genuinely rooting for Neji. She was also the only one out of all the spectators to be relieved when Neji came out of the crater.
  • In the manga, the only male character Tenten is shown alone with is Neji.
  • In both the manga and anime, birds are present during the scenes where Neji and Tenten are shown alone together. Birds are significant to Neji's character, as his curse mark is a "caged bird cursed seal." Additionally, he is shown to relate to birds and wish that he could be free like them.
  • Tenten is shown to greatly admire and respect Neji, constantly calling him a genius.
  • Both times Neji was at death's door (after his match with Kidomaru and after he gets impaled while protecting Naruto and Hinata during the war) he regards those who called him a "genius" as the reason for his being. Tenten was one of the few who explicitly voiced to Neji directly that he is a genius, as well as his father and Naruto.
  • Tenten is often shown inviting him to places unrelated to training, like going to see Lady Tsunade and accompanying her to the bathhouse.
  • They are shown to be like minded, especially within Team Guy.
  • In both the manga and anime, Neji and Tenten are shown finishing each others sentences often.
  • Both Neji and Tenten are shown feeling comfortable talking to each other about their concerns.
  • While Neji is very formal and strict, he is shown to be comfortable around Tenten. He isn't shown to mind when she teases him or winks at him.
  • While Neji is rarely portrayed as a character who apologizes to anyone, he is shown apologizing to Tenten.
  • Although Tenten didn't react to Neji's death right away, she later broke down asked Neji why he left her.
  • They are shown constantly beside one another throughout the entire story, similar to the couples Asuma and Kurenai, and Shikamaru and Temari.
  • In some scenes in the anime, the animators drew them so close to each other that it appears as if they are holding hands.


Neji about Ino and Sakura fighting - Episode 42 of Naruto

  • "It's not because they're girls you know, Neji. It's just that those two are using kid gloves. It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman in battle."

Neji to Tenten - Episode 14 of Naruto Shippūden

  • "Are you alright, Tenten?"

Tenten to Neji after he had saved her - Chapter 258

  • "Neji...Thank You."

Neji about Tenten - Episode 192 of Naruto Shippūden

  • "But Tenten is a skilled weapons specialist, capable of mid to long-range attacks."

Tenten and Neji speaking in Lee's memories - Episode 365 of Naruto Shippūden

  • "In your case, Neji, isn't it the white of your eyes?"
  • "Oh... Yeah... But anyway..."

Tenten thinking about Neji - Chapter 664

  • "Neji! Why did you leave me alone?!"

Tenten's thoughts while walking away and wiping a tear - Episode 402 of Naruto Shippūden

  • "Neji...I'm never going to forgive you."

Tenten thinking to herself as Neji smiles at her in the Infinite Tsukuyomi - Episode 428 of Naruto Shippūden

  • "Maybe even in a fake world our feelings can be true."

Neji speaking to Tenten in the Infinite Tsukuyomi - Episode 428 of Naruto Shippūden

  • "It's okay. The fact that I'm alive and the world is all thanks to you."

Tenten thinks about Neji - Episode 495 of Naruto Shippūden

  • Sending the usual gift won’t convey our feelings… And yet, something that’s more like me may not make them happy. What would Neji do?”

Naruto Retsuden: Naruto Uzumaki and the the Spiral Destiny - Neji's diary

  • "My present goal is to see through Tenten's weapons. The two of them were annoyed by the rain that day. As soon as I looked away, the springtime of youth theatrics began. Tenten summoned her folded iron fan it cut through my cheek as I was unable to avoid its path."


Databook 1; Naruto Secret: Scroll of Facing Character Official Databook Rin No Sho (Tenten's Profile):

  • She was eliminated from the Chuunin Exam by Temari, but continued on as Neji's training partner.

Among the Fans

NejiTen is a popular couple in the fandom. It is the most popular pairing involving Tenten and one of, if not the most popular pairing involving Neji across most platforms. It's supported due to their strong friendship and their trust for one another, evident in both the manga and anime. Fans of the ship share the understanding that if Neji hadn't died, he and Tenten would've been shown together as a couple in the last chapter of the story. It's a rival pairing to NejiHina and LeeTen.


  • Neji and Tenten have the same theme song in Part I of the anime, but Neji's theme song is more upbeat, whereas Tenten's theme song has a slower beat.
  • Tenten's name and Neji's themes compliment each other.
    • "Tenten" literally translates to "heaven heaven" in Chinese, while "Hyūga" translates to "place in heaven."
    • In the new Chūnin Exams arc, Neji is shown holding two heaven scrolls with the characters 天 (Ten Ten/Tian Tian). Furthermore, in an omake for the Naruto Shippūden anime, Tenten writes her name as 天天, instead of テンテン.
    • As mentioned previously, in both the manga and anime, birds are shown in scenes where Neji and Tenten are alone together. Birds represent Neji, as Neji's curse mark is called the "Caged Bird Cursed Seal." The meaning of Tenten's name, Heaven, can be defined as a place above the sky and Neji constantly looks at birds flying in the sky as the ultimate expression of freedom.
    • Tenten's weapons shop in Boruto is named 忍具転転転, which directly translates to "Ninja Tools Turn Turn Turn." Furthermore, the characters "具転転" in the name translate to "revolving." Thus, the name of Tenten's weapons shop can be a reference to one of Neji's primary moves, Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven.
    • During the blank period, Tenten wears a uniform that includes a dress with a flame pattern similar to the flame in the Hyūga clan's emblem.
  • Neji and Tenten are depicted as compatible:
    • The Databooks reveal that Neji is a Cancer and Tenten is a Pisces. In Western astrology, Cancer and Pisces are considered a compatible and harmonious pairing.
    • The Databooks list Neji's blood type as O and Tenten's blood type as B. The blood type personality theory popular in Japan considers O and B blood types romantically compatible.
    • Neji, during his death, is portrayed as a Phoenix on fire. In the anime, Tenten utilizes the moves "Twin Rising Dragons" and "Exploding Dragon Strike." In Chinese folklore, the Phoenix and Dragon pair symbolize perfect harmony and balance between yin (Phoenix) and yang (Dragon).
  • Among the Konoha 11, Neji and Tenten were the only ones who were 18 years old during the Shinobi war, whereas Naruto and Hinata were 16 years old and the rest were 17.
  • Neji and Tenten share the same hairstyles as Hashirama Senju and his wife Mito Uzumaki.
  • Steve Staley and Danielle Judovits, the English voice actors of Neji and Tenten, have expressed support for the ship on Twitter and Tiktok, respectively.
  • In an interview, Tenten's Spanish voice actress, Gaby Ugarte, described her character as "Tenten, who is in love with Neji."

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